Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 8, July 14th


Today we had a trip to the Buehler Challenger Center, a facility in Paramus dedicated to teaching students what it was like to be on a space mission.

Before they could step into the simulator, the students participated in a team building activity that required them to roll a small ball down a length of pvc piping.  The only catch was that each student only had about a foot of pipe and the ball had to be moved over 20 feet!

Once the students completed this they were able to step into the simulator
Inside the simulator students participated in all sorts of team activities to complete the challenger shuttle's origional mission to study the comet Halley

They even simulated a clean room!

While one group was aboard the space craft, the other team was in mission control, helping from the ground.

The students loved being part of a space mission, astronauts for a day!

Day 7, July 13, 2015

Mars ATV Retriever Challenge

For this activity, students were asked to design an arm out of k'nex that could support the weight of a book lamp for a specified distance

Every team designed differently!

The activity proved a lot tougher than the students anticipated

In the end, the project was a success!

Day 4 July 9th, 2015


On Thursday the students ate  dinner with a few of NJIT's engineering students.

The engineer's fields of study spanned from chemistry to physics to bio-medical engineering

The engineers ate with the students and discussed with them what studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields in college would be like.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


After dinner tonight we took the students to the Meadowlands Observatory where we learned loads of new things about the solar system

We were very fortunate to have good enough weather to see several planets through the telescope, including Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus!

Our trip to the Observatory was informative and lots of fun, even though we may have stayed up a bit past our bedtime...

Day 4 July 8th

Today the students started the day by learning about how different foods are eaten in space, they spent a day in the classroom discussing how they would take their favorite foods into space!

Later on, students conducted an experiment during which they extracted the iron contents from some samples of cereal:

Then we managed to squeeze some outdoor recreation in before the students went on to the computer lab.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 3 July 7th 


Today the students took a field trip to the Intrepid Aircraft carrier moored in Manhattan.  The students were able to observe a variety of aircraft and learn more about what the vehicles look like.

Students were able to read detailed explanations of how an aircraft carrier functions and see the dimensions of an actual space shuttle!

They even got to see what it was like on board a submarine!

We all had a great time aboard the Intrepid Aircraft carrier and museum!

Monday, July 6, 2015

This afternoon the kids took to the classroom to test out a familiar toy:


Using the yo-yos, students learned how being in space can affect tasks that generally require gravity

The students worked together in order to determine what makes yo-yos work and hypothesize how they would work differently in space.
Day 2, July 6th 2015

This morning the students awoke at 6:30 and got ready for their day

After breakfast the students proceeded to the classroom where they learned about journal writing and made their first journal entry

Later today the students will be conducting hands on experiments, pictures to follow!

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Today after drop-off, the students were gathered together for an ice breaker:


This activity helped the students get to know each other better

Each student came up with an adjective that began with the same letter as their name, and remember everyone else's at the same time!